Frequently asked questions
How fast will I get my request delivered?
On average, most requests are completed in just two days or less. However, more complex requests can take longer. In this case, your request will be broken down into chunks, and you'll receive deliverables every 24-48 hours until the entire request is done.
Is there a limit to how many requests I can make?
Once subscribed, you're able to add as many requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.
What if I don’t like what you delivered?
No worries! We'll continue to revise until you're 100% satisfied.
How fast will I get my request delivered?
On average, most requests are completed in just two days or less. However, more complex requests can take longer. In this case, your request will be broken down into chunks, and you'll receive deliverables every 24-48 hours until the entire request is done.
Are there any requests you don’t support?
Yes. We do not cover the following: technical configuration of SSO, Custom domain (DNS settings), API development and other integration development, FTP access and server hosting, complex custom CSS, other similar technical configurations.
Can I use the service for just a month?
Yes. Whether you need it for a month or a year, the choice is yours. Just feel free to come back when you have additional needs.
How will I send my requests?
We offer a lot of flexibility in how you send your requests using Trello. Some common ways clients request designs is directly via Trello, sharing Google docs or wireframes, or even recording a brief Loom video (for those who prefer not to write their briefs out). Basically, if it can be linked to or shared in Trello, it's fair game.
How does the pause feature work?
We understand you may not have enough work to fill up entire months. That's where pausing your subscription comes in handy. Billing cycles are based on 31 day period. Let's say you sign up and use the service for 21 days, and then decide to pause your subscription. This means that the billing cycle will be paused and you'll have 10 days of service remaining to be used anytime in the future.
How does onboarding work?
Subscribe to a plan and we'll quickly add you to your very own Trello board. This process usually takes about an hour to complete from the time you subscribe. Once you accept the invite to Trello, you're ready to rock. Further instructions on how to use the Trello board to request designs can be found on the board itself.